Monday, April 4, 2011

Possible Free Purex at Walgreens!

purex complete 300x255 Possible Free Purex at Walgreens!

You can get a great deal at Walgreens.

Walgreens has the Purex 2x Laundry Detergent on sale for $1.99 with in ad coupon. If you find the kind that has Zout in it, you can use this $2 off Purex coupon to get it for free.

To get the coupon, go here to sign up for a free sample of Purex or get a $2 off coupon. You will have a choice after you fill out the form.

*We have heard some reports that some of the managers are allowing you to use the coupon on Purex without the Zout. I cannot confirm this myself.

If your store doesn’t have the kind with the Zout, I would just save this high value coupon for a sale at a different time.

Thanks, MojoSavings!

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